/ Services

Technical Open Innovation Services

As food technical market information analysts, we provide a range of innovation information services:

Food Innovation Scan

Serves to establish the latest developments in the Consumer, Food service and Industrial markets. Our Food Innovation Technical Scans take into account the processing technologies used to manufacture products, and go beyond the usual the new product scans made by marketing agencies, thus allowing for innovative range extension and product reverse-engineering.

Technology Scans

In the food industrial market, Technology Scans are used to find and update on innovative food processing technologies, industrial applications, materials and ingredients; business-to-business suppliers, buyers, distributors; as well as solutions to specific technical problems. See also: technical market research services.


Insourcing is a special type of food market research that focuses in finding anc contacting suppliers of rare, difficult and expensive food ingredients, materials and technologies, to allow benchmarking and cost reduction.

R&D project portfolio analysis

Based on years of food market analysis, this service systematically analyses the product development portfolio. It checks the portfolio for resources, timing, present product range and company strategy and benchmarks it with the present market situation. Helps fill gaps and eliminate unnecessary projects.

Food R&D roadmapping

Roadmapping taps on our technical market knowledge to provide guidance and support in preparing roadmaps for food R&D projects. We bring in new options that save time and costs.

Food technical management support

Provides various types of assistance to company managers, including food technical sparring partner, second technical opinion, market analysis, interim management.

Update on innovation management tools

An area of concentration in our 12 years of food technical research has been the management of food innovation. Besides research in the area, we provide updating overviews to improve manager skills and company results.

To learn more about Food Innovation please contact innovation@foodlinkforum.com